Sugaring vs. Waxing: Why Sugaring is Better

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Waxing lets you rock that high-cut bikini without those annoying ingrown hairs and ditch the razor on a week-long trip without worrying about a little stubble. If you’re someone who loves smooth skin and values an all-natural hair removal process, sugaring will be your new best friend!

If you’re not up-to-date on the latest hair removal trends, traditional waxing has taken a back seat and sugaring is now all the rave. Traditional waxing and other hair removal methods are great and get the job done, but sugaring has some special perks that make it stand out from the crowd.

What is Traditional Waxing?

The Good

Traditional waxing comes in two forms: hard and soft wax. Both types of wax make for a fast and efficient process with long-lasting results. The hot wax is applied to the skin and is pulled in the opposite direction of your natural hair growth leaving your skin buttery smooth for three to four weeks. 

The Bad

Traditional waxing is not the best option for people with sensitive skin because the formula may have ingredients in it that can be irritating and the heat of the wax may make the skin red and inflamed. Waxing in any form is never going to be a comfortable process, but traditional waxing in particular is more painful than sugaring. Pulling the wax against the direction of natural hair growth and the high temperature of the wax when applied, both make for a less than comfortable experience. 

Sugaring 101

Sugaring on the other hand, is an all-natural hair removal process that uses a paste made of lemon, sugar and water to remove any unwanted hair. 

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How is Sugaring Performed?

The sugar paste is applied to the skin against the follicle growth and is ripped off in the direction of the hair follicle growth. The sugar paste is formed into a little ball and is used throughout the entire session, which means no dipping in and out of a waxing pot or risk of getting an infection. Veronica, Sugarlillies sugaring expert, uses her hands to mold and form the paste to the skin while using a quick flicking motion to gently remove the hair from the follicles.

Why We Love Sugar Waxing

  1. All-natural ingredients so it’s amazing for sensitive skin

  2. Sugaring is not as painful as traditional waxing

  3. Sugaring is sanitary because there is no double dipping involved

  4. Lower chance of getting ingrown hairs or inflamed skin

  5. Effective, fast and amazing results

Sugaring Before-Care

Before your sugaring appointment, there are a few steps you may want to consider to have an even better experience. First off, wait three to four weeks after shaving (or waxing) because your hair needs to be at least ¼” long, or the length of a grain of jasmine rice, to get an efficient wax or else there may be some hairs left behind. The night before your appointment, lightly exfoliate the area you plan on waxing in the shower to remove any dead skin cells. Make sure to shower the morning of and/or bring a sanitary wipe to clean yourself up before the appointment begins so you’re nice and fresh. Also, if you’re a little hesitant or have a lower pain tolerance, feel free to take an Advil an hour beforehand to help with the pain. 

Sugaring After-Care

After your sugaring appointment, the area may be a little red and tender so make sure to stay away from lotions and chemical irritants, stay out of hot tubs and pools and skip the HIIT spin class for at least 24 hours after your wax. After your appointment, head to your local Target or Ulta and pick up some Tend Skin. Apply it to the waxed area everyday for a couple of days following your wax to nip those pesky ingrowns at the bud. It’s a lifesaver when it comes to preventing ingrown hairs and great for soothing the skin.


Are You Ready to Get Sugared? 

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