Ditch the Botox for “Browtox”

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Step aside Botox, underperforming eye-creams, and over-caffeination...and meet “Browtox”. “Browtox” is a needle-free, non-invasive treatment that gives off the illusion that you slept 10 hours and got a brow lift. This is the perfect solution to long days of working from the couch and gets you ready for future post-quarantine adventures! 

The Magic of “Browtox”

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“Browtox” is the process of shaping and lifting your natural brows so that your brow bone looks higher and more lifted and draws attention higher towards your beautifully shaped brows. 

“Browtox” doesn’t involve needles, doesn’t cost $$$$, and is non-invasive, but still leaves you with great results. Don’t get me wrong, I am all for Botox, but having your eyebrows freshly shaped and arched, adds youth to your face and is a great alternative!

How Does “Browtox” Work?

“Browtox” is essentially getting your brows designed, but I will put an emphasis and focus on lifting and shaping your brows to open up your eyes. I will focus on lifting by removing stray hairs underneath the brow and lifting the arch. The next important step is to lengthen and clean-up the tail of the brow to make it crisp and tapered. The magic of “browtox” is in progress!

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Now that your brows are shaped and lifted, I will apply brow product to give your brows the ultimate lift. I will focus on giving you a feathered, swept-up brow style that opens up your eyes. I will use a brow pencil or powder to fill-in your brows and define the overall shape, and then apply brow gel to comb up and elongate your brow hairs. Lastly, I will apply brow highlighter/concealer to enhance the brows and brighten the brow bone to open up your eyes. Trust me, “Browtox” will make you put down the coffee and pick up the mirror!

Give “Browtox” A Shot

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“Browtox” will make you look more refreshed, wide-awake, and ready to take on the day! Click here to book your appointment! If you have any questions or want more information, email me at info@sugarlillies.com. Thank you for trusting me with your brows, beauties!